MTHFR Gene Mutation – Genome Analysis

Analysis of, 23andme and Myheritage results

Interpretation of raw data from (Best Value), 23andme and You will need your raw data when purchasing these reports. Don't know how to download your raw data? Click here for some help.

MTHFR Gene Mutation – Genome Analysis

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

With over 400 SNPs this report also includes the methylation report.

We do not sell or share your results with any third party or insurance company for any reason. Your information is 100% safe and confidential.

Price is in US Dollar.

This is not a test kit. Our reports simply extract results from raw data of (Best Value), 23andme, myheritage etc. and decode the genetic information to give you results.

ATTENTION: Before purchasing the report, please create a free account so the results can be added to your dashboard. Without an account, the system will not know where to place the results. You must create your account first and ensure you use the same email address when making your purchase.


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MTHFR Gene Mutation + over 400 SNPs

With over 400 SNPs this report also includes the methylation report and genes (MTHFR, COMT, CBS, VDR, etc.). Most genes and most SNPs that have some relevance are listed here. The genes are listed in alphabetical order for your convenience.

This report is one of the easiest reports to read. Your doctor will find it very helpful. Regardless of the level of knowledge your doctor has in the subject the report is well organized for simplicity.

In addition to the MTHFR gene mutation, you will have all the information you need to do your research into your own genome. This is one of the most comprehensive reports you will find. It has the greatest number of significant SNPs found in any single report today.

As with all reports, we are constantly researching and updating our database. As long as you do not delete your file from your account your results will be automatically updated whenever we add new information and/or genes, so check regularly.

As with all the other reports, the results are stored in your account dashboard. You may save it into a PDF file in your computer or you may print it. You will have complete control of your account and you may also delete it with a simple click. Once you upload your raw data our results will be in your dashboard within seconds. For instruction on how to download your raw data click here.

Our results are completely confidential and we will never sell or share it with anyone or any entity. You may even choose a code name if you prefer to remain completely anonymous.

Finding a doctor that understands these reports is hard to find. Once you have your results in hands, a good place to start is to consult with anyone listed in our directory.

Disclaimer: This report is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis.

1 review for MTHFR Gene Mutation – Genome Analysis

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Carolyn Walker (verified owner)

    Excellent report to help analyse methylation, MTHFR, COMT, MAO, Histamine, Neurotransmitter and liver SNPs. Accuracy and information is great value

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